

Anti-piggybacking system for fullheight turnstile and revolving door (APS-FT)

        Anti-piggybacking system for fullheight turnstile and revolving door is the element of Access Control System. The fullheight turnstile and revolving door equipped with APS-FT can prevent piggybacking events (i.e. passing more then one person by to present only one access card).


1) frame (photo) with magnetic antenna and NIDG (noncontact induction device for gate) ;

2) controller ML2001FT with UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) (photo);

3) two proximity readers.


Frame with magnetic antenna with fullheigth turnstiles  (www.oma.ru/Rot18.6.htm)

        When two men by presenting one access card come very tightly to each other through frame in sector of turnstile NIDG registers this piggybacking event and gives signal to controller ML2001FT. For one’s turn controller gives control signal on motor of turnstile and men are blocked.